Here you will find media resources, including a sermon library both audio/video, bulletins and podcasts/blog posts.

Sermon Links

To the left you will find this past week’s Sermon recording. At the bottom of this page you can download our Weekly Bulletin that corresponds to that week’s worship service. Click on the link just below for a library of past sermons both audio and video.

The sermon above is from 1.26.25

Temple Blog

Temple Blog

We will have blog posts and news articles uploaded here. Check back for upcoming posts.


Temple Times Newsletter Archive.

If you are interested in seeing older editions of our monthly newsletter, you can click on the link below and it will take you to an archive of back issues.

In All Things.

Click on the picture to the right to link to chapters from the book, “In All Things” by Greg and Ruthanna Marshall. This book is a compilation of sermons, mostly preached by Rev. Charles Wilson in his lifetime. These sermons attempt to answer questions about suffering, sickness, pain and death. Each chapter is a study on a particular passage of Scripture that gives insight, leading and comfort in dealing with each of these questions. The chapters have been broken down into booklets to make it easier to copy and read.

The booklets and questions are as follows:

Booklet 1- Is There a Purpose to My Suffering/Sickness/Pain- Rom. 8 Booklet 2- Am I Being Punished?- Part 1 - Heb. 12   

Booklet 3- Am I being punished?- Part 2- Job 42    Booklet 4- Will I make it through?- Isaiah 43

Booklet 5- Is God Good? -  Nahum1 Booklet 6- Is God against me? - Psalm 88

Booklet 7- How can I stop worrying?- Matthew 6  Booklet 8- What do I do with the time that I have left? - Ps. 90

Booklet 9- How can I have joy in the midst of my suffering?- James 1 Booklet 10- Will God or anyone else help me? - Job 23 

Booklet 11- Why won’t God answer my prayers? - John 11  Booklet 12- How can I spiritually fight during these times? - Ephesians 6

Some of these booklets are available now and others will follow soon.